Eglantine in EURYANTHE

Oper Frankfurt

“Heidi Melton is the star of the evening: the singer has a strong stage presence suggested in the smallest flash of her eye. When she falls to her knees, she commands the stage. When she kisses Lysiart, the stage shakes. Melton’s voice – a lyric-dramatic – is made for the extremes of this role. A rumbling, deep chest voice combined with a penetrating, impeccably produced high voice. There is not a sound produced that is not beautiful.”
-Natascha Pflaumbaum, Deutschlandfunk

"Eglantine was played by the American (though with German career) soprano Heidi Melton, a Wagnerian singer with great dramatic charisma who relished her twisted character." 
-Xoán M. Carreira, Mundo Clásico

“In Frankfurt Opera the severe Eglantine is brilliantly played by Heidi Melton - with a vocal force that pins the entire society of men against the wall…”
-Volker Milch, Allgemeine Zeitung

"Heidi Melton [was] a barnstorming Valkyrie-meets-Ortrud Eglantine."
-Hugh Canning, Opera Magazine

“Heidi Melton is fruity, vindictive and subversively gleeful as Eglantine. She rather steals the show…”
-Shirley Apthorp, Financial Times